Tuesday, February 7, 2012

States of Matter: Lab Report

   For the past week, my science class has been doing a series of labs. They were all focused on demonstrating chemical and physical changes . For the first lab, we used a skinny green candle and a stout white candle. The green candle was textured, smooth and had a spiral on it the white candle was just smooth.   There was no chemical changes present at this time.When our teacher lit the green candle, it started melting (a physical change).  It started getting shorter and smaller. There was smoke and  the candle was burning (both chemical changes).
   In the second lab we did, it also involved a candle. We mixed vinegar and baking soda together, which created the gas carbon dioxide, Then we poured the gas over the flame that our teacher lit on the candle. The fire did not immediately go out because my group mate did not tilt  the glass containing the carbon dioxide enough. But eventually, the flame went out because there wasn't enough oxygen.
   The third lab that we did was with marshmallows. We used a small marshmallow, a large marshmallow, a stick and a bunsen burner. We ripped the small marshmallow in half and tasted it. It tasted sweet and soft. Then we burnt the large marshmallow with the stick and the bunsen burner. Then we had to taste the burnt part. It tasted horrible, burnt and crispy. One person in my group said that it tasted good!
   The fourth and final lab was also very "sweet". We dissolved sugar and the person in my lab that tasted it said that it was like Chinese Tea. Then we put sugar in a test tube and placed the test tube over the bunsen burner using tongs. The substance inside the test tube turned black and yellow smoke came out from the test tube. All in all, last week was extremely fun.


1 comment:

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